How I Got Multiple Privilege Escalations - The Easy Trick?
Soft Deletion of Resources - [Privacy Violation]
API Excessive Data Exposure: Why Devs? Why?
Slides: GraphQL Hacking
Why Shift to Manual Hacking?
Hacking GraphQL API Using Suggestions
Guide to Permutations Subdomain Enumeration
Cheatsheet - 15 Methods to Bypass 2FA Mechanism
How I fuzz and hack APIs?
How I Pwned 10 Admin Panels and got rewarded 8000$+?
Exploiting GraphQL Aliases
Reverse Whois - Increase Attack Surface Area
My Favourite 10 Shodan Dorks
Hacker's Guide to Directory/Endpoint Enumeration
Ethical Hacking Roadmap and Resources
Privacy Violation In Chat System
Change Any User Profile Details On Disney